Systematic analysis of direct antiglobulin test results in post-artesunate delayed haemolysis.

29 avr 2021
Ascoli Bartoli T, Lepore L, D'Abramo A, Adamo G, Corpolongo A, Scorzolini L, Giancola ML, Bevilacqua N, Palazzolo C, Mariano A, Ippolito G, Buffet P, Nicastri E
Post-artesunate delayed haemolysis (PADH) is common after severe malaria episodes. PADH is related to the "pitting" phenomenon and the synchronous delayed clearance of once-infected erythrocytes, initially spared during treatment. However, direct antiglobulin test (DAT) positivity has been reported in several PADH cases, suggesting a contribution of immune-mediated erythrocyte clearance. The aim of the present study was to compare clinical features of cases presenting a positive or negative DAT.