Should we care about Plasmodium vivax and HIV co-infection? A systematic review and a cases series from the Brazilian Amazon.

06 jan 2021
Del-Tejo PL, Cubas-Vega N, Caraballo-Guerra C, da Silva BM, da Silva Valente J, Sampaio VS, Baia-da-Silva DC, Castro DB, Martinez-Espinosa FE, Siqueira AM, Lacerda MVG, Monteiro WM, Val F
Malaria and HIV are two important public health issues. However, evidence on HIV-Plasmodium vivax co-infection (HIV/PvCo) is scarce, with most of the available information related to Plasmodium falciparum on the African continent. It is unclear whether HIV can change the clinical course of vivax malaria and increase the risk of complications. In this study, a systematic review of HIV/PvCo studies was performed, and recent cases from the Brazilian Amazon were included.