Recrudescence of a high parasitaemia, severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria episode, treated by artesunate monotherapy.

01 avr 2021
Landre S, Bienvenu AL, Miailhes P, Abraham P, Simon M, Becker A, Conrad A, Bonnot G, Kouakou YI, Chidiac C, Leboucher G, Rimmelé T, Argaud L, Picot S
A patient presenting with severe malaria, with hyperparasitaemia, received 7-day artesunate monotherapy. A severe recrudescence was detected and attributed to hyperparasitaemia, monotherapy and a polyclonal infection without Kelch 13 gene mutation. A second treatment with artesunate, then quinine, followed by artemether-lumefantrine, was successful.