Postpartum infections in a tropical environment: The experience of the infectious diseases department at Fann Teaching Hospital of Dakar (Senegal).

01 fév 2019
Fortes Déguénonvo L, Lakhe NA, Cisse VMP, Diop Mbaye K, Ka D, Manga NM, Bougar S, Dia Badiane NM, MNdour CT, Soumaré M


To describe the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of infections in postpartum women admitted to the infectious diseases department at Fann Teaching Hospital. This retrospective descriptive study examined the records of women admitted for infectious diseases within 42 days after childbirth during the five-year period (2007-2011). Data were collected from medical files and analyzed with Sphinx plus V5 software. In all, 54 women were admitted for infections during the postpartum period. Their mean age was 27.4 ± 6.2 years. Fifty women (93%) had had vaginal deliveries. The average interval from delivery to admission was 15.4 ± 11.0 days. Tuberculosis (14 cases), vaginitis (13 cases), and severe malaria (7 cases) were the most frequent infectious diseases. The average duration of hospitalization was 12.1 ± 9.0 days. The mortality rate was 30%, with the main causes of death tuberculosis (25 %) and severe pneumonia of unknown causes (25 %). Tropical diseases remain frequent during the postpartum period, with a high lethality rate, as this study shows. Early diagnosis during pregnancy and better follow-up after delivery should be the best ways of reducing morbidity and mortality from these infections.