Allelic diversity of merozoite surface protein genes (msp1 and msp2) and clinical manifestations of Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases in Aceh, Indonesia.

13 avr 2021
Jamil KF, Pratama NR, Marantina SS, Harapan H, Kurniawan MR, Zanaria TM, Hutagalung J, Rozi IE, Asih PBS, Supargiyono, Syafruddin D
The malaria control programme in Indonesia has successfully brought down malaria incidence in many parts in Indonesia, including Aceh Province. Clinical manifestation of reported malaria cases in Aceh varied widely from asymptomatic, mild uncomplicated to severe and fatal complications. The present study aims to explore the allelic diversity of merozoite surface protein 1 gene (msp1) and msp2 among the Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Aceh Province and to determine their potential correlation with the severity of malaria clinical manifestation.