Incidence and predictors of hospital readmission in children presenting with severe anaemia in Uganda and Malawi: a secondary analysis of TRACT trial data.

29 Jul 2021
Connon R, George EC, Olupot-Olupot P, Kiguli S, Chagaluka G, Alaroker F, Opoka RO, Mpoya A, Walsh K, Engoru C, Nteziyaremye J, Mallewa M, Kennedy N, Nakuya M, Namayanja C, Nabawanuka E, Sennyondo T, Amorut D, Williams Musika C, Bates I, Boele van Hensbroek M, Evans JA, Uyoga S, Williams TN, Frost G, Gibb DM, Maitland K, Walker AS, TRACT trial group.
Severe anaemia (haemoglobin < 6 g/dL) is a leading cause of recurrent hospitalisation in African children. We investigated predictors of readmission in children hospitalised with severe anaemia in the TRACT trial (ISRCTN84086586) in order to identify potential future interventions.